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NY Lasik Eye?

At NY Lasik Eye, our goal is to give you an experience like no other. This means restoring your vision in the safest, most effective, and most non-invasive way using the best tools. Here, we don’t believe that eye surgery should be an ordeal. That’s why we do everything we can to make sure your experience is completely tailored to your needs. We also ensure that all our patients get the information they need not just about the surgery but about their payment options and the costs of the procedure. That is why we are dedicated to informing you of all the details of your treatment at NY Lasik Eye. Your experience with us should be stress-free and deliver great results.
175,000 +
Surgeries performed
55 +
Years of LASIK Experience
Rated LASIK Surgeons

Affordable Procedures

If you would like to have LASIK in NYC with us but do not think you can afford it; we may have the solution for you. NY Lasik Eye can help make laser eye surgery affordable via special financing, while also providing you experience and excellence in quality vision improvement.

What is Keratoconus, and Can Laser Vision Correction Help

It’s possible that you’ve heard an eye doctor mention keratoconus, but what is keratoconus eye disease and why is it a concern? Let’s take a closer look.

If you’ve been told you have keratoconus, you probably want to know more about it. So what is keratoconus eye disease and what causes it? Keratoconus is an eye disease in which the cornea thins abnormally, resulting in bulging in the front surface of the cornea. Unfortunately, the causes of this eye disease are not yet fully understood. There is some research indicating it could be caused by the disruption of normal levels of certain enzymes and other important substances that influence inflammatory responses within the cornea. However, known risk factors include allergies, frequent eye rubbing, and heredity.

The Long Term Effects Of Laser Eye Surgery

Are you considering laser eye surgery like LASIK, but find yourself with questions about the long term effects of LASIK and other laser eye surgery? It is true that laser eye surgery is a relatively new procedure. In fact, the first FDA approved treatments were carried out in the late 90s, so as little as 35 years ago. But what does this mean when we consider the long term impact of laser eye surgery and LASIK side effects long term?

Did you know that more than 30 million people have had laser eye surgery world wide? The first treatments were a massive success and as a result, laser eye procedures have remained very popular ever since. However, for some patients, the fact that it hasn’t been around for a long time is concerning. Unfortunately, we can’t physically show how efficacious laser eye surgery is over a longer period than 35 years simply because no one has had it for that long.

Can I Get LASIK if I Have Thin Corneas?

Are you wondering whether thin cornea LASIK eye surgery is possible? The answer is somewhat complicated, so the real question is whether your corneas are thick enough for the procedure. In preparation for LASIK, or any other laser eye surgery, one of the most important parts of the process is the eye exam before the procedure to determine whether or not you are a good candidate for LASIK. One of the measurements required for that determination is checking your corneal thickness for LASIK. Corneal tissue is removed during LASIK, so it’s important that you have enough tissue for the procedure to be successful. In some cases, your corneas could be too thin, but there are other factors to consider as well. Let’s take a look at what it takes to qualify for LASIK eye surgery for thin corneas.

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